Disrupt! · Engage! - Postcards from the Border. · information & sharing

Save No Border Kitchen Lesvos — fight for refugee autonomy

Hello friends, it’s Laura, I’m sharing here this video with you, featuring some of the footage shot during our stay on Lesvos. From personal experience I can tell you that it would be pretty bad, if No Border Kitchen Lesvos couldn’t continue doing their job- which is fighting for human rights and the autonomy of refugees.

They cook every day vegan hot food and give our foodboxes with ingredients to cook for 350 ppl, worth $7000 monthly.

Their urgent crowd-funding campaign is now LIVE!

–> youcaring.com/nbklesvos <–

Please read, donate and share to help them hit the ground running!

“No Border Kitchen Lesvos currently supports 350 refugees to cook and subsist autonomously.

We work alongside refugees failed by the broken asylum system and the bloated NGOs, standing with them as they self-organise and live outside the detention regime at Moria prison camp.

But our bank account will run empty this week. Unless we raise at least $7000 in the next two weeks we will have to shut down or reduce our operations, leaving hundreds of vulnerable refugees without access to urgently-needed support.”

Save No Border Kitchen Lesvos — fight for refugee autonomy!



Thanks from our side again to everyone who supported our campaign and project in order to be able to go to Lesvos, work there and film in the first place: Thanks crowd, thanks Alert Youth Fund.

Engage! - Postcards from the Border. · information & sharing · media

“One freedom, one justice, one equality!”

Hundreds of refugees and other protesters sit down in front of the port of Mytilini, Lesvos, protesting against the conditions they are forced to live in and the policies that create this inhumane situation.
Read the protesters’ statement:

Read the protester’s statement:
“We have spoken, we have shouted, we have pleaded!”
Still we face imprisonment, deportation and inhumane treatment and an uncertain future. Months of waiting and suffering and still we wait for answers. We have come together to claim our rights!

The time is now for the world to see our struggle and to act. We cannot wait for more corrupt political decisions to decide our fate. We who have suffered in these conditions have united for freedom.

How much longer can we wait? Why are we kept prisoners on this island? Why are our voices being silenced? Whe are we being traded between Turkey and the Eu like slaves or cattle? Unity and numbers give us power! Our freedom has been taken, united we will take it back!

We are peacefully demonstrating today at the port of Mytilini because Eu policies have kept us prisoners on the island of Lesvos. Although we are in Greece, a false border between the mainland and the island has been erected and we have been trapped on the island for months. We are not free to come and go from Lesvs to Athens trough this port, which is Lesvos’s main contact point with Greece and the rest of Europe. We have fled wars and persecution, and yet we are being treated like criminals.

We have made recommendations to the EU and the European commission, but our letters remain unanswered, and our invitation for European leaders to visit us in Lesvos has been ignored. We are nonviolently resisting today so that the world can no longer ignore the situation in which we are being forced to live.

We thank the Greek people who are standing beside us today and in solidarity have supported our right to freedom and and to live in dignity in Europe.”

activities · Engage! - Postcards from the Border. · Events · Get Involved!

Why we need to look at the bigger picture, put humans first and engage:

Thank you for coming yesterday to Filmcafé Onderbelicht! Here we leave you the last episode of “THE JOURNEY”. It is a call out to take into account the bigger picture of every human being leaving their homeland to seek shelter elsewhere. Aboud: “We shouldn’t keep talking about the refugee crisis but the reasons they became refugees”.

If you want to stay informed and support the activism documentary trip to Greece, that Laura: https://www.startnext.com/en/engage-border-postcards

We also watched a part of this:

And of this:

Women's meeting

Female magic & female power

Happy women’s day! This video is from the last Women’s Day Out that we organize. Female empowerment, getting together and uniting is what we believe in!

We reflected on the Feminine Sacred before. We want to share it here with you again, toghether with warm invitation to come and participate in our meetings! Just send us an email or connect on Facebook.
The women’s meeting is now known as the ‘sacred’ space and moment in which all women who sympathize with the immigration cause are welcome.
Without even mentioning the ancient concepts related to the Sacred Feminine, the event itself has strong characters of exaltation and unity for the present women.

Ultimately, we found out that women are not that much in public or going out, because they face constantly male oppression, discrimination and disempowerment. Therefore, we offer the Day Out as a safe space where women can come, express themselves, cook together, have nice talks, dance and enjoy a peaceful and friendly atmosphere.

We have been organizing Women’s Day Out roughly every two months, and it has reached women from different groups and living spaces all over Nijmegen, offering literally a Day Out off their normal daily lives. It is now known as a frequent encounter of females and in each edition more and more girls, kids, women and elders come together and celebrate their feminine nature in a safe and open place. In this sense, it’s not silly to compare the way these women gather with the ancient rituals to celebrate the Feminine Sacred.

Engage! - Postcards from the Border. · Get Involved! · information & sharing · Solidarity & Protest

From Heumensoord to Lesvos: support activism documentary project!

Our dear friend Laura is going filmmaking in Greece in april. Ever modest and very essential as a friend and in our justPeople collective, she aims to shed light on the people who are stuck between borders and systems, juggling between basic needs, a family in a country in ruins, and hoping to get to a destination where they can rebuild their lives.
In terms of basic needs and safety, refugees, activists and humanitarian aid workers are still struggling every day in a situation that is still much more urgent than what we can see. Check out the video for a short introduction. For more information and to support, visit the crowdfunding page.
If you have any recommendations with people or situations, let us know

Get Involved! · information & sharing

Video: what does Power to the Pigeon look like?

Going for a community of learners, going for fun, empowerment and social change!

Power to the Pigeon

We got a nice video to share, thanks to all participants and Basta!

We believe that one of the best ways to learn a language is while doing something else in a cozy and playful atmosphere. And not just doing something, but doing things that enable use to live a more self-determined and autonomous life. How about choosing topics that are important to us and our communities?
How to learn German: Plätzchen, Kleckerei… scheiße, ich protestiere!

We believe that one of the best ways to learn a language is while doing something else in a cozy and playful atmosphere. And not just doing  something, but doing things that enable use to live a more self-determined and autonomous life. How about choosing topics that are important to us and our communities?
That’s why we start with a Do It Yourself German course in which you will learn German and…

View original post 40 more words

information & sharing · Posts

Human stories

This video is great. It is great, because it lets the people speak. It takes time to develop another view on the “refugee crisis”.
As you know, justPeople values the human-to-human approach very much. We believe it is so very important to listen to each other. Let this movie do this to take you very close to people in Greece, January 2016.


Meeting today: watch and discuss movie Projekt A with Hanna Poddig

How can self organization and a critical view on how authorities work be put into practice? What do real alternatives put in practice look like?
Projekt A takes you onto a journey to 5 projects that exisit in Europe. With Filmcafé Onderbelicht we show the movie tonight at 19.00 at the Klinker. Also, activist Hanna Poddig will be there, so all the more reason to join the discussion afterwards!

information & sharing · media · Stories from the camp

We talked about our experiences at the Radboud university

The Radboud university’s research intiative GLOCAL kindly invited us to form part in a conversation about “Refugees and cross-border hospitality reflections on recent experiences”. Together with “Runder Tisch Kranenburg”, an expert from the COA and a former “refugee” we got together, informed the engaged public and exchanged best practices.

This video is an excerpt of our part of the talk. It draws the line of how we came into being and why we do what we do.  It recalls the moment one year ago, when about 60 people met for the first time to prepare the welcoming of the later inhabitants of camp Heumensoord.

We still stand strong behind our belief that there are very much alternative ways to treat and welcome people who had to leave their countries. We have not forgotten that the conditions in camp Heumensoord were disastrous and how difficult it was made to get in contact with each other. The camp’s location in the forest was far away from the city center or any supermarkets, and bikes or buses were not provided. No privacy, no appropriate medial care, no mental help, no cocking facilities, no answers. We were there because we care, and because, as we have seen, we can’t rely on the state or the municipality to guarantee human dignity and decency in a humanitarian crisis. What we need are ordinary people and the community to step in, get in touch and to double check what is really going on.

We stand in solidarity with all our friends who used to ‘live’ in Heumensoord, and especially with those whose procedures have been rejected or that are still running. Wherever you are, we won’t forget you!

It’s been one year since we all met and we want to invite you all to celebrate with next Friday at the OnderBroek. If you live far away, contact us to talk about traveling costs.

Peace and Solidarity,
